Tuesday, October 14, 2008


We had our fall retreat this past weekend and it was AMAZING!! Our National Sales Director, Janet Tade, is phenomenal! We learn so much from her. Also, our area directors are outstanding! Each and everyone of them is so unique.

Hands go out to my roommates. We had a blast!! The poor pizza delivery boy didn't know what to think when he delivered to a room of 4 very giggly girls at 11pm at night. HILARIOUS!!!!

Our guest speak was from Corporate and her name was Nancy. She was Mary Kay's personal body guard. Yep, you heard me right SHE!!! She told some amazing stories of Mary Kay and who she was. Did you know that Mary Kay was robbed and tied up TWICE before she actually agreed to hiring a body guard, and even then she demanded on driving herself places. Nancy said that she would get phone calls from the body guards saying that they lost Mary Kay and she would ask them how they could lose her. When Mary Kay got to a stop light and it was yellow, she would floor and leave them in the dust at a red light. FUNNY!!

I love to hear stories about her and the company. It makes things so real.

So do you have a fall retreat where you live, if so what is it like? Who is your National?


SkinCareMom said...

Sounds like a blast! I am in the Go Give Area, therefore no NSD... and no fall retreat~~ This year the company is doing a Go Give Advance fall weekend, but I was already booked with family obligations on the weekends they are happening. Plus with airfare, registration and all, I decided not to "splurge" this year ;) That is ok.. I have made it over 12 years without a Fall Retreat ;)

MKheart said...

Oh Wow! I guess I never thought about being in a Go Give area. It is amazing what some of us take for advantage.

SkinCareMom said...

It is one of the issues that some people complain about, but I have decided to not make it an issue ;)

Shades of Pink said...

Wow! You've been busy! I haven't been around the blogs in awhile. I went to a fall retreat the first weekend of October. It was organized by an Elite Executive Senior Sales Director who lives in northwestern Ohio. She is going for NIQ and is in the Debi Moore area. My unit and our senior unit were invited. I have to write about it here soon. I had a great time and what I got from it was validation. Lately, everything has just validated that I'm working my business the right way. :)