Monday, August 18, 2008


Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged. My J.O.B has been extremely busy especially with the Missouir State Fair going on. I have barely had time to think Mary Kay. I have been so busy that I have not even had time to make phone calls. YIKES...I need to get on that.

Well, you know how we have all been talking about our goals for the Mary Kay year, I have broken my down, like others, into a monthly goal. They are to do 30 faces each month and have $3000 in sales. Well here it is the middle of August and my sales have been fairly minimal and faces are bar none. Needless to say, I was getting a little on edge. I wanted to reach my goals so bad but work and life are so hectic that I kept putting off making phone calls and such and now before I knew it the month was half over.

Anyway, I did have a facial scheduled for tonight. I was so excited and so was she. She had even given me a list of a few things that she wanted me to be sure and bring with me. Yesterday, she called me and cancelled. I was devestated!!! She said that financially right now she should not be spending alot of money on this. I told her that I understood but I knew that there were a few products that she needed. She said that she would just wait awhile. I agreed and thanked her for her time and asked her if it was ok for me to put her on my mailing list and then call her again in a few months when some of the new Christmas things came out. She agreed.

When I got off the phone with her it hit me like a ton of bricks. If Mary Kay was the only income I had and I had a cancellation like this... I would be freaking out! How do you overcome this? What advice does anyone have? I have to have at least $1000 bring home in order for us to be able to pay all of our bills. For some reason not having a guaranteed pay check and relying on myself to find a way to bring home $1000 makes me freeze up. I get so scared I can hardly function. HELP!!!!!


Anonymous said...

MKheart, I know how you feel! I certainly have had that happen to me more than once. I think we all have. Here's a script that I adapted. Shorten it, change it to fit your needs.


Solidify the appointment:

"You know _____, this is my business and I'm so excited that you're going to be there to try our products and give me your opinion as compared to what you're using now.

But, what I would like to do is say to you that I promise I'm a woman of my word, and I will be there rain or shine, and I am sure that you would give me the same courtesy. So, if there is any reason that you cannot make this appointment, if you would please give me at least 48 hours so that I can replace this appointment with another model for the morning (evening). Because when I have empty seats, I'm not working.

So, please, please give me the courtesy of giving me 48 hours notice if there is any reason you're not going to make this appointment.

Shades of Pink said...

I agree 100% with pink biz and I would also add that since she was a single facial to begin with and was concerned about money I would have told her how she could get a discount or free product if she invites some friends. This way, you have the potential to do more faces than just the one and have higher sales.

yousaidhuh? said...

you were "devastated" because this gal could not afford to buy something from you?

Shades of Pink said...

Have something for ya. Check it out. :)

Oh! Whenever I have a postponement or cancelation, I get on the phone. Don't get upset because someone can't order or hold an appointment. Ask when they think they will be ready and then get on the phone and try to schedule someone else.

mk4me said...

Hi MKheart, found your blog thru Shades, and thought this info may help a bit. - You probably won't see too much of me but I hope you find this information useful.

Since Mk is my only income, I keep my books very full. (To the point that I actually feel a little overwhelmed - that is if they were all to hold) - so by doing this, when I get a call to reschedule or cancel it is almost a welcomed relief. If I ever start getting too tired and the bookings are over running me, I make a decision to talk to the hostess and see if she would mind rescheduling, and if she doesn't want to - I can always dovetail to one of my team or unit members.

If we only schedule what we think we can handle, we will be handling less then we want. :)

Pink Bren said...

MKHeart...I know that it can be somewhat disappointing when someone cancels. I had met with a dance team that wanted to purchase 15 full compacts. I went twice to meet with them and they were excited and the Captain of the team wanted it. However, when she met with the other girls they didn't want to spend the money on this. So that was a little disappointing however, I just moved on to the next one. You just have to move on. You put her on your list and you have planted that seed and you will water it with the PCP and it will come about. So keep your chin up and keep on plugging. This business works when we work it, just remember that and yes there will disappointments, however the success of our business is how we handle the disappointments, do we let them rule or do we move on. I say move on. Have a GREAT DAY

MKheart said...

Shades....Whatcha got for me? There was not anything there?

I can not wait to see it!!