Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mary Kay ....... Full Time?

There has been alot of talk on other blogs about mk corporate and the good and the bad and what needs to be change. All in all, I believe that there is good and bad in every company and no matter what you do there will always be a sour peach but I do feel that grouped together we can make a difference and help Mary Kay gain back the respected name that it deserves.

That being said..........My Ultimate goal with my Mary Kay business is to be able to quit my J.O.B and work Mary Kay full time and be able to be with my children more. I say children but right now I just have a three year old son but ... growing our family is defintely in the near future. Two years ago I went thru DIQ and accomplished directorship. I have to say that it was the greatest accomplishment of my life!!!! (besideds my son) My directorship didn't last that long and to this day I kick myself in the butt for it everyday. What happened you may ask?? Well a few things...first and foremost...I went about accomplishing it the wrong way. When DIQ was over I had recruited my mom, sister, cousin, aunt, sister-in-law....none of them had any intensions of actually working the business, they were just doing it to help me out. Mistake #1.

Mistake #2...I had a very negative and abusive husband who basically beat me down emotionally every day. I know this is probably no big excuse but I was not strong enough to overcome it. The day my free car was delivered I got a 20 minute butt chewing on the phone about how stupid I was.

Mistake #3...I became overwhelmed with it all and stopped working my business and became really depressed and scared. Depression is a very serious thing and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. I am much stronger today for enduring it but......

Mistake #4....During the past few months of DIQ, I had acquired $8,000 in credit card debt from my business. Big Mistake!!! One night it just hit me like a bomb and I was numb and scared. That is why it is so important to run your business the right way. The good news is that once I got my butt in gear, I paid that credit card off in 4 months completely with Mary Kay sales!!

Today.....I divorced my husband a little over a year ago and gained control back over my life. I found that once I seperated from him my depression improved dramatically! Imagine that!!!!
I have met the most wonderful man and he is an amazing father figure for Jacob (my son).

At this point I am scared of recruiting because I had some consultants, when I fell out of directorship, sell there product back and I ended up owing the company over $1000. Luckily, you dont have to pay it off by a certain date and it does not earn interest so you can just pay as you go. But now I am scared of recruiting because I do not want to go thru that again. That is why I am only recruiting women who actually want to work this business.

I want to REALLY grow my customer base and get my name out there.

I would love to hear from all of you on your thoughts and ideas. Also, if you do Mary Kay full time or part time, do you have another J.O.B? If you work Mary Kay full time, how do you do it, are you a director?

Well I think that is it for now. I can't wait to hear from all of you!!