Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Brand New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is a brand new year in the Mary Kay world!!! This year is going to be a great year, I can feel it! Everyone of us, whether in Mary Kay or not, have obstacles that come our way unexpectedly to overcome. It is how we handle those obstacles that make us or brake us.

My goal this year for my Mary Kay business is to build to 150-200 wonderful customers and Queens Court of Sales!!!

YIKES!! That makes me want to puke but they say if a goal does not make you a little scared then you are not dreaming big enough!

Stay Tuned for the new newsletter!!


Shades of Pink said...

Your blog looks great! As far as advertising the blog goes; I haven't done that yet. For now, I'm promoting it to my customers and I'm going to start a customer newsletter. What program are you using for yours? I'm trying to pick one. :)

Anonymous said...

I have to second Shade's thoughts on the design - it looks excellent and is very well suited to the theme of your site.

Can I ask why you two are considering a 'program' for advertising your blogs? (There's plenty of free methods to get traffic and I'm sure either I or David could point you in the right direction).

Shades of Pink said...

Actually, Scam, the "program" I'm referring to is for Newsletters. Do you know any free Newsletter programs? I have seen Hat News and Constant Contact. They have fixed templates you can choose from and you pay a membership fee. Please let us know if you know some free newsletters! :)

Shades of Pink said...

Just sending this one so I can get email updates. :P

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately I think you get what you pay for with newsletters - the free ones I have tried haven't been very good at all.

With the anti-spamming laws you really need to do your homework to ensure that you are signing people up correctly and giving them opt-out links, etc too.

The only paid one I have experience with is which will cost you but is well worth the money in my opinion.

It's also the ones that all the top bloggers (that I know) use.

MKheart said...

Scam, Can you and David please help us with some ideas!!!! The reason is because I am really wanting to grow my customer base and get my business out there and booming and I thought that a blog would be a good way to do that. Am I right or wrong in thi??

MKheart said...

Shades of Pink...
You sound like an amazing women!! I have been playing on Microsoft Publisher for creating my newsletter but it can get fairly aggrevating at times.

Scam said that her and David may be able to point us in the right direction for ways of promoting our blogs.

Shades of Pink said...

I must be reading too many blogs. Is it bad that I can't figure out which comments are coming from where? :P Anyway, thank you Scam! I'm familiar w/ the spam laws. I've seen Aweber on many blogs. Constant Contact has a free trial. I think it is about half the cost of Aweber ($15/mo). I am going to do their free trial and see what I think. A friend of mine did say she thought it was a little complicated.

I could format a newsletter on my iMac. I'm just not sure I have the skills for that yet. ;)

Oh! And an idea for anyone reading. If you are concerned about spam laws, poll your customers first. I am going to contact my most loyal customers and tell them I am doing my own personal newsletter and ask if they would be interested in receiving a service like that.

Shades of Pink said...

Oh and Rachel, thank you for your compliment. :)

I'm just curious since you're linked to Pink Renegade. Have you read The Renegade Network Marketer by Ann Sieg? I have read it and it has very excellent ideas. Just curious if you'd read it, too. :)

Anonymous said...

"Scam said that her and David.."

Is someone mistaking me for a female?!?! :eek

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel

Obviously there are 1001 ways to market anything and which is best depends on the product and also the skills that you have.

Personally, I think a blog is an amazingly good medium because of the comments system - it allows you to interact with your visitors/customers which is priceless.

If you build the right relationships then your visitors have the potential to become your customers without you ever having to make a pitch to them at all - they will simply come to trust you and your brand.

Idea #1, and I don't know if you do it already, is to comment on other blogs/posts that have a similar theme, i.e. Mary Kay.

The main thing is to say something useful whilst linking back to your site.

When you are asked to enter your name in the comments do NOT call yourself Rachel.

Instead pick a name that is a good match for your business, i.e. use the name Mary, or have the letters MK in it.

This will allow you to start picking up links on the search engine that will not only point to your site but will also allow you to rank for whatever keyword you use in your name.

Guess you know why I call myself 'Scam' now huh? ;)

Apologies if you already knew that - if you did then let me know what other knowledge you have of search engine optimization and I'll give more tips accordingly.

Anonymous said...

@ Shades

Please let me know what you think of Constant Contact


MKheart said...

Thank you all so much for the ideas and advice.

You are wonderful!!!!!!!!

Keep them coming!

Anonymous said...

Ok, tip #2

You list a load of sites under 'girlfriends' - this is a very similar list to the other MK sites I see.

There are 2 problems with this - It appears on every page of your site and the search engines do not like 'sitewide' links.

Secondly, if you are linking to the same sites that are linking to you then they are known as 'reciprocal links'.

Such links are worthless if you are trying to rank on the search engines.

Sure, they probably bring you some traffic and aid in building relationships but it would serve you much better if you could link to specific pages on their blogs as part of the content of your posts.

It would be better still if you could get them to do the same too instead of linking to you from their sidebars.

MKheart said...

Scam....Thank you so much!!!!

I think I understand Tip #2. I really need to mention them in my posts and link to them that way instead of on the side bar.??

Yes, I am wanting to rank high on the search engines. Help!!?

Shades of Pink said...

Make sure you read Legal Ease on InTouch so you are in compliance with the terms of your MK agreement. ;)

Anonymous said...

Good point Shades - I don't know the legal side of MK.. guess that's why you went for a name with pink in instead is it?

Shades of Pink said...

You got it. I want no risks. In Legal Ease it states exactly what terms we cannot use in our domain names as well as in tags and meta tags. NO Mary Kay, MK, trademarks, or designs. So, my domain is shades of pink. I never put the words "Mary Kay" or "MK" in my tags or categories. I only use the company approved linking blurbs. It's all on InTouch under Resources, then Tax and Legal and finally, Legal Ease. It is a PDF. You can save it to your computer. ;)
You're OK with this domain, but if you go standalone, I'd refrain from MKheart and maybe do something like pinkheart or pynkheart.