Last night we had a "Dream Team" meeting which is just an elite group of women chosen out of about 500 consultants, who are looking to move up in their business. There were six directors there that spoke. It was an amazing night. Now I just need to get to work!!
The things they talked about were:
- Car by Christmas
- Booking
- Selling/Table Close/Individual Close
- Phone calls (This was a big one for me)
- Preprofiling
- Organization
The organizational points were pretty brief but to the point. Always have a spiral notebook with you at all times just for Mary Kay. That way you don't have sticky notes everywhere or wondering who you need to call today, or who left you a voicemail and what products did she need again?!
The other organizational tool that we received was a manilla file folder. Yeah, you heard me right, a manilla file folder. When you are in Car production, DIQ, or just really working your business it can be very difficult to keep track of who you called or who you need to call or what they said or when to follow up is where your manilla folder comes in. On the front of the manilla fold put your 30 faces and 15 interviews along with somethings that motivate you. On the inside, use a ruler and boxes on both inside pages, ex. 2in X2in boxes. Each box represents a possible team member or hostess. In the box, you have her name, number, any other contact info you may need, date to follow-up, any appointments you may have with her, etc. Then when you recruit her, you put a big "R" over the whole box or if she says "no" put a big "X" over the box and MOVE ON!!!
I promise to talk more on the other points later but now I have to get my butt in gear!
Right now the names that I have to work with are current customers and past team members. I have to find a way to spread my wings and find new people. I want to find people who are interested in the products and want something out of it, not just those that I have to pull their finger just to help me out. PLEASE HELP, ANY IDEAS!!
"not just those that I have to pull their finger just to help me out"
I would not say that if you had to "pull their finger" they really wanted to "help you out" in the first place....
It's not a good idea to pressure people into helping you or make promises that you have no intention of keeping. Just speaking from experience.
Sorry, that comment didn't make a lot of sense. I was referring to recruiting new clients and team members. Good luck.
You are right in the fact that they really did want to help me out.
As far as recruiting new clients and team members, it can be a sticky subject. I know from past experiences that there were situations that I may not have handle right and wish there was a way to go back in time and redo them but I can't. All I can say is that I am sorry and learn from my mistakes.
As a Mary Kay consultant it is our job to offer the business opportunity to people and it is then up to them from there. Mary Kay is a business and should be treated like a business.
You have brought up a good point. I never recruited family and I never recruited people that I worked with at my "real job". It is a fun business that should never invade the workplace, friend and family. In being a consultant I see it as a job to help people feel and look their best...not to offer up a business venture...
I would have to agree with you on that on. When combined with JOB and family and friends, it can make things awkward and stressful. That is a mistake that I am not going to make again.
If they want to try some product great, but if not I really don't mention it.
So how long have you been a consultant?
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