Thursday, September 4, 2008

Tuesday Nights Meeting

Can you say AWESOME!!!!!!

The meeting Tuesday night was above and beyond the top. KUDOS to our wonderful sales director, Renee!!!!! She is such a phenomenal women.

We talked about sales ideas for Fall, Halloween, and even touched on Christmas. I can not believe that Christmas is so close. Christmas is the biggest time of year for selling just not for the stores but for us too.! I absolutely love Christmas time. I will talk more about Christmas ideas another day but every year I do an Open House and Personal Shopping appointments. What does everyone else do? I would love to hear what you do to help boost your Mary Kay business during the Holiday season. More on this subject later......

Renee had all the new stuff that will be coming out on September 15th, which for those of us that do PCP, we can order on September 10th!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! She also gave us one of the new LOOK Books. WOW. This holiday season is going to be big! My mind is overflowing with ideas already. So much to do....I need to get back to work.