I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas!!! I know that we sure did.
I am dying to know how everyones Mary Kay sales were over the holiday season. Please share what you did and how you did. We all would like to know.
For me.....I had two open houses and a few personal shopping appointments. I didn't do as many as I had hoped, time just seemed to get away from me. All in all, I had around $1500 to $2000 in sales which I am happy with.
Now it is time for NEW YOU, NEW YEAR makeovers!!!! So get your calendars out and find out when you can hold appointments and get on the phone.
Always Believing.......
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Holiday Season!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, December 30, 2008 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Open House
So sorry, I have been out of the loop for a while. Things in the Mary Kay world have been fairly slow and I have not been really push it to hard because life has been kind of crazy.
Well I had my second open house this weekend. It went okay, not as well as I expected but hey, that is how it goes sometimes. Needless to say, I have alot of phone calls to make and some holiday drop bys to do.
Posted by MKheart at Monday, December 15, 2008 0 comments
Labels: open house
Friday, November 21, 2008
Christmas Goodies!
Be creative and start thinking about people on your Christmas list!
Posted by MKheart at Friday, November 21, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Christmas
Mineral Powder Foundations!!

Posted by MKheart at Friday, November 21, 2008 0 comments
Labels: foundations, Mineral Products
Monday, November 17, 2008
Working on a $1000 Week!
In my previous post, I posted my crazy schedule for last week. I wanted to give you a brief update on my progress.
Monday - the facial was okay but didn't sell anything.
Wednesday night - I had a skin care class and sold a litte over $150.
Friday night - I had a "Girls Shopping Nite" and sold a little over $300.
Saturday - I had one of my Christmas Open Houses but turn out was not very good. (My fault) But I did sell $260.
Sunday - I had a purse party at my house and sold another $75 dollars.
SO, so far I have sold around $780. My goal: $1000!!!! I have until Wednesday this week to sell $220.
So what does my week this week look like? Not quite that busy.
Monday - phone calls
Tuesday - X-mas stuff to office
Wednesday - More phone calls
Friday - Drive-by appointment at the Hospital
I have LOTS of phone calls to make!!! SO I better get busy.
Posted by MKheart at Monday, November 17, 2008 2 comments
Labels: $1000 week, Christmas, sales
Monday, November 10, 2008
Busy Week!
Sorry I have been away for so long. Things have been absolutely crazy!! So I have kind of fallen off the band wagon this past week or so, but this week, I hope to make up for that.
Monday: Facial at 9am
Tuesday: Phone calls for Open House
Wednesday: Skin Care Class at 6:30pm
Thursday: Pack for weekend
Friday: MK Girls Shopping Nite in Columbia at 6:30pm
Saturday: Open House
Sunday: RELAX
WHEW! I am pooped just thinking about it. I have no idea how I am going to pull all of this off. But believe me I will.
Also, don't forget that Wednesday night is the CMA Awards!!!!!! (Mary Kay is the Official Beauty Sponsor.)
Posted by MKheart at Monday, November 10, 2008 0 comments
Labels: schedule, skin care class
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My MK Office!
The above pictures are pics of me and my director, Renee, together at different events. She is such a blast!!
Posted by MKheart at Thursday, October 30, 2008 0 comments
Labels: office
Monday, October 20, 2008
Harvest Fest Update!
Okay, so Saturday was the Harvest Fest 2008 in Downtown Jefferson City, Missouri. They were predicting a crowd over 10,000 people but I don't think that many actually came. Anyway, I had a Mary Kay booth there. This was my first year so I didn't have a clue as to what to expect. I was a little "low class" compared to some of the other vendors but that is okay next year I will know better.
There was two of us working the booth. Each of us left with around 10 or so names, which was okay. I had expected a little better turn out but that is the way things go. I did have one girl that was intereted in hearing more about selling Mary Kay so I am working on scheduling something with her in the next couple of days!!!
I am going to call the rest of the names this week and next. Keep your fingers crossed!!!
Posted by MKheart at Monday, October 20, 2008 0 comments
Labels: fall festival, leads
Friday, October 17, 2008
Leads Update!
This week I made it a goal to call all 11 of the leads that I got at the Fall Festival a couple of Saturdays ago. I have 4 that I have to call again this weekend that didn't answer. I had 2 no's and I had one that already had a consultant but so far I have 3 bookings, another to put on my PCP. I thought that was pretty good! I am very excited about the other 4 that I have to call!
Tomorrow I have a Harvest Fest here in Jefferson City, MO that I am looking forward too. Me and another consultant friend of mine are going to have a booth there. They said that they are expecting around 10,000 people. I AM EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will keep you posted on Monday to let you all know how it went and how many names I got.
Also, I promise to post pictures of my renewed office! I had to do something to get it organized and make it exciting and empowering when I walked in and now it does.
DREAM BIG!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by MKheart at Friday, October 17, 2008 2 comments
Labels: fall festival, leads
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
We had our fall retreat this past weekend and it was AMAZING!! Our National Sales Director, Janet Tade, is phenomenal! We learn so much from her. Also, our area directors are outstanding! Each and everyone of them is so unique.
Hands go out to my roommates. We had a blast!! The poor pizza delivery boy didn't know what to think when he delivered to a room of 4 very giggly girls at 11pm at night. HILARIOUS!!!!
Our guest speak was from Corporate and her name was Nancy. She was Mary Kay's personal body guard. Yep, you heard me right SHE!!! She told some amazing stories of Mary Kay and who she was. Did you know that Mary Kay was robbed and tied up TWICE before she actually agreed to hiring a body guard, and even then she demanded on driving herself places. Nancy said that she would get phone calls from the body guards saying that they lost Mary Kay and she would ask them how they could lose her. When Mary Kay got to a stop light and it was yellow, she would floor and leave them in the dust at a red light. FUNNY!!
I love to hear stories about her and the company. It makes things so real.
So do you have a fall retreat where you live, if so what is it like? Who is your National?
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, October 14, 2008 4 comments
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fall Festival
This weekend was our local Fall Festival. Of course, I had a booth there for my Mary Kay business. Our overall turn out was pretty good. I displayed a spa basket that I made up for a drawing incentative to get new names. There is another lady in town that also sells Mary Kay and we are really good friends so we did the booth together. Between the both of us we walked away with 3 or 4 bookings and 30-40 new names.
All-in-all, it turned out pretty good. Now, I have to get my butt on the phone and call those ladies to get bookings. YIKES!!!
Off to work I go!!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 5 comments
Labels: booth, fall festival
Monday, September 22, 2008
Holdiay Season is fast Approaching
The Holiday Season is fast approaching. What are you plans for this Holiday Season (for your business)? This not only the biggest selling season of the year for JC Penny, Sears, Old Navy, etc... but also for US!!!!!!!!!!
Your opportunities for your business this Holiday Season are limitless!!! What are you goals? $10,000, $5,000, $3,000 profit by Christmas? Car? DIQ? You have to have a goal in order to track it.
My goal is $5,000 profit by Christmas!!!
There are so many ideas out there that it can be overwhelming so just pick 2 or 3 and run with them. What are some of your ideas for Holiday selling?
I am planning on holding an Open House, holding personal shopping appointments, and executive gift giving. I have not actually done the executive gift giving but I am going to give it a worl this year. So if anyone has any ideas or pointers, please feel free to share.
These can be a very big money maker for you. I have done one every year and they have always been successful.
- Create a postcard and mail it out to everyone you know, customers, family, friends, etc.
- A couple days before, make phone calls to confirm attendence and let everyone know that you can not wait to see them there.
- Keep the snacks and drinks simple
- Play some holiday music
- Make sure you have price ranges. $10, $15, $20, $25 and bigger ones also.
These can also be very big money makers for you. Some people want you to come to them and shop from the comfort of their own homes.
- Call everyone that you invited to your Open House that said they couldn't make it and schedule a personal shopping appointment with them.
- Again, have your price ranges
- Be sure and have a Wish List or something there for them to fill out for themselves and also kind of a checklist to remind them of who all they need to buy for. This could also be handy at your Open House.
The main thing is HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
MORE TO COME................................
Posted by MKheart at Monday, September 22, 2008 2 comments
Labels: holiday, selling ideas
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Accountability Call.....BOOKINGS!!!!!!!!!!
Okay here is your acccountability phone call. How many bookings do you have on your books as of RIGHT NOW??????????????
As we are always told, bookings are the life line of our business. So open up your calendar and look to see how many bookings you have on your calendar. I don't care if it is a facial, SCC, product preview, open house, personal shopping appt., interview......ANYTHING.
As of right now, I have 6 bookings on my books total. They are not all in September. Here is what I have going on, I have a double facial Friday night, 2 open houses schedule because it is becoming that time of year (more on that later), 2 fall festivals where I am going to have booths, and a holiday product preview. And I am nowhere near done yet!!!!!!!! Only one of those bookings are in September so I have some work to do!
One idea that I heard from one of our area directors about a booking incentative is offering a FREE compact to anyone who schedules a facial with her and then she tells them that for every person she has there with her to share her facial with her, she will give her a piece to fill that compact. I thought this was a pretty good idea.
Your booking incentative has to be something that you would get excited about. If you wouldn't get excited about it then why would she. This is your business so you do what you feel comfortable doing.
Does anyone else have any ideas for bookings? Please share.
So how many bookings are on your books RIGHt NOW, how many would you like to get on your books by the end of September? When are you going to make the time to set up those appointments and make those phone calls?
Posted by MKheart at Wednesday, September 17, 2008 4 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
"Dream Team" meeting
Last night we had a "Dream Team" meeting which is just an elite group of women chosen out of about 500 consultants, who are looking to move up in their business. There were six directors there that spoke. It was an amazing night. Now I just need to get to work!!
The things they talked about were:
- Car by Christmas
- Booking
- Selling/Table Close/Individual Close
- Phone calls (This was a big one for me)
- Preprofiling
- Organization
The organizational points were pretty brief but to the point. Always have a spiral notebook with you at all times just for Mary Kay. That way you don't have sticky notes everywhere or wondering who you need to call today, or who left you a voicemail and what products did she need again?!
The other organizational tool that we received was a manilla file folder. Yeah, you heard me right, a manilla file folder. When you are in Car production, DIQ, or just really working your business it can be very difficult to keep track of who you called or who you need to call or what they said or when to follow up so..................here is where your manilla folder comes in. On the front of the manilla fold put your 30 faces and 15 interviews along with somethings that motivate you. On the inside, use a ruler and boxes on both inside pages, ex. 2in X2in boxes. Each box represents a possible team member or hostess. In the box, you have her name, number, any other contact info you may need, date to follow-up, any appointments you may have with her, etc. Then when you recruit her, you put a big "R" over the whole box or if she says "no" put a big "X" over the box and MOVE ON!!!
I promise to talk more on the other points later but now I have to get my butt in gear!
Right now the names that I have to work with are current customers and past team members. I have to find a way to spread my wings and find new people. I want to find people who are interested in the products and want something out of it, not just those that I have to pull their finger just to help me out. PLEASE HELP, ANY IDEAS!!Posted by MKheart at Monday, September 15, 2008 6 comments
Labels: organization, unit meetings
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Posted by MKheart at Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2 comments
Labels: holiday, new products
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Tuesday Nights Meeting
Can you say AWESOME!!!!!!
The meeting Tuesday night was above and beyond the top. KUDOS to our wonderful sales director, Renee!!!!! She is such a phenomenal women.
We talked about sales ideas for Fall, Halloween, and even touched on Christmas. I can not believe that Christmas is so close. Christmas is the biggest time of year for selling just not for the stores but for us too.! I absolutely love Christmas time. I will talk more about Christmas ideas another day but every year I do an Open House and Personal Shopping appointments. What does everyone else do? I would love to hear what you do to help boost your Mary Kay business during the Holiday season. More on this subject later......
Renee had all the new stuff that will be coming out on September 15th, which for those of us that do PCP, we can order on September 10th!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!! She also gave us one of the new LOOK Books. WOW. This holiday season is going to be big! My mind is overflowing with ideas already. So much to do....I need to get back to work.
Posted by MKheart at Thursday, September 04, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Christmas, fall, halloween, selling ideas, unit meetings
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
A Brand New Month!
Okay so I had a big knock down, drag-out talk with myself this weekend. A few weeks back I published a post about the month being almost over before we even know it; well.....I am here to tell you it is a BRAND NEW MONTH!!
I could sit here and tell you that my goals for August were 30 faces and $2000 in sales but....
- I was to scared to get on the phone
- The few that I did call turned me down
- I had to work at the State Fair for a week
- I had strep throat for a week
- I actually only facialed 3 women and only sold $300
BUT... the truth is LIFE HAPPENS. It is what we do with what God hands us that matters. It is human for us to kick ourselves and trust me I did this weekend because I should have been on the phone making calls but I procrastenated.
But yesterday I cleaned my slate and started a Brand New Month. Today I.....
- Set up specific times devoted to making phone calls
- Made a list of all prospects with phone numbers to have with me at all times
- Going to attend my weekly meeting (which I will update on tomorrow)
- Made my 6 most important things list for Mary Kay, J.O.B, and personal
I am a lists person and need help being held accountable so.....all of you out there, you are my accountability partners! (If you want) I will post and let you all know what crossed off my list.
Please feel free to make me your accountability partner and/or power partner!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, September 02, 2008 2 comments
Labels: Goals, Postponements, Procrastination
Thought for the day!
Sorry it has been a few weeks since I have posted. I was out the Strep for a week and then my 3 year old son came down with it. What a mess!!
Moving on......I came across this on the Sucess Factory today. Todays tip: Success is not dependent on your ability to do this business well, but your willingness to do it regularly.
This so true and I thought it was very powerful. Everyone has the ability to do this business if they really want to but your consistent effort in this business will make you a success!! How true, how true. When we work this business regularly, we will always have some level of results. It is when we do nothing with our business and expect things to happen that we get tossed off of our rails.
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, September 02, 2008 1 comments
Labels: consistency, Thought for the day
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sorry it has been a couple of weeks since I have blogged. My J.O.B has been extremely busy especially with the Missouir State Fair going on. I have barely had time to think Mary Kay. I have been so busy that I have not even had time to make phone calls. YIKES...I need to get on that.
Well, you know how we have all been talking about our goals for the Mary Kay year, I have broken my down, like others, into a monthly goal. They are to do 30 faces each month and have $3000 in sales. Well here it is the middle of August and my sales have been fairly minimal and faces are bar none. Needless to say, I was getting a little on edge. I wanted to reach my goals so bad but work and life are so hectic that I kept putting off making phone calls and such and now before I knew it the month was half over.
Anyway, I did have a facial scheduled for tonight. I was so excited and so was she. She had even given me a list of a few things that she wanted me to be sure and bring with me. Yesterday, she called me and cancelled. I was devestated!!! She said that financially right now she should not be spending alot of money on this. I told her that I understood but I knew that there were a few products that she needed. She said that she would just wait awhile. I agreed and thanked her for her time and asked her if it was ok for me to put her on my mailing list and then call her again in a few months when some of the new Christmas things came out. She agreed.
When I got off the phone with her it hit me like a ton of bricks. If Mary Kay was the only income I had and I had a cancellation like this... I would be freaking out! How do you overcome this? What advice does anyone have? I have to have at least $1000 bring home in order for us to be able to pay all of our bills. For some reason not having a guaranteed pay check and relying on myself to find a way to bring home $1000 makes me freeze up. I get so scared I can hardly function. HELP!!!!!
Posted by MKheart at Monday, August 18, 2008 7 comments
Labels: Postponements
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Posted by MKheart at Wednesday, August 06, 2008 2 comments
My Reason...........My Family!
This is my reason for striving!! MY FAMILY!!! My ultimate goal in my Mary Kay business is to be able to quit my J.O.B and be able to stay at home with my kids and run my Mary Kay Business. Working 8-5 Monday thru Friday, you miss out on so much of you children's lives and I hate that.
God first, Family second, and Career third!
Posted by MKheart at Wednesday, August 06, 2008 2 comments
Labels: family
Monday, August 4, 2008
MKheart: NEW Virtual Makeover!!!!!!
MKheart: NEW Virtual Makeover!!!!!!
If you have never tried Mary Kay Cosmetics and Skin Care....I dare you too!!!!!!!! You will not regret it.
Contact me today to receive your $10 gift certificate and schedule your free makeover!!
Posted by MKheart at Monday, August 04, 2008 1 comments
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Time Management.........Procrastination
This sort of relates back to my previous post. For those of you who work another J.O.B full time and work your Mary Kay business, how do you do it? How do you get Mary Kay stuff accomplished. I begin work at 8am and leave a 4:30pm with a half-hour lunch. My J.O.B is so busy it isn't even funny but my mind runs Mary Kay all day. The next thing I know my day is over and I didn't get anything accomplished. Any ideas to help?
I have research alot about Time Management and the Mary Kay business. I am very eager to know how everyone does it. My new habits or goals are....every night sit down and make you six most important things list. I have a spiral notebook and I am a list for work, a list for Mary kay and a list for personal. I am also going to school so I have a list for that too. I try really hard to get the things on each list done that day and the ones that I don't transfer to the next day. Some days it is easier than others but I keep trying.
My #1 problem is PROCRASTINATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am the biggest procrastinator. I absolutely hate this about me. I can have a list of people to call and just stare at it...What is up with that??
I have been wanting to get a newsletter out for some time now and I work on it here and there but can never find the time to finish it up and get it out. NEED TO DO THAT ONE!!
I love getting ideas from people and finding out what else I can do to improve my business but actually doing them is another thing. Any advice?? I sure could use it here.
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10 comments
Labels: Procrastination, Time Management
Mary Kay ....... Full Time?
There has been alot of talk on other blogs about mk corporate and the good and the bad and what needs to be change. All in all, I believe that there is good and bad in every company and no matter what you do there will always be a sour peach but I do feel that grouped together we can make a difference and help Mary Kay gain back the respected name that it deserves.
That being said..........My Ultimate goal with my Mary Kay business is to be able to quit my J.O.B and work Mary Kay full time and be able to be with my children more. I say children but right now I just have a three year old son but ... growing our family is defintely in the near future. Two years ago I went thru DIQ and accomplished directorship. I have to say that it was the greatest accomplishment of my life!!!! (besideds my son) My directorship didn't last that long and to this day I kick myself in the butt for it everyday. What happened you may ask?? Well a few things...first and foremost...I went about accomplishing it the wrong way. When DIQ was over I had recruited my mom, sister, cousin, aunt, sister-in-law....none of them had any intensions of actually working the business, they were just doing it to help me out. Mistake #1.
Mistake #2...I had a very negative and abusive husband who basically beat me down emotionally every day. I know this is probably no big excuse but I was not strong enough to overcome it. The day my free car was delivered I got a 20 minute butt chewing on the phone about how stupid I was.
Mistake #3...I became overwhelmed with it all and stopped working my business and became really depressed and scared. Depression is a very serious thing and I would not wish it on my worst enemy. I am much stronger today for enduring it but......
Mistake #4....During the past few months of DIQ, I had acquired $8,000 in credit card debt from my business. Big Mistake!!! One night it just hit me like a bomb and I was numb and scared. That is why it is so important to run your business the right way. The good news is that once I got my butt in gear, I paid that credit card off in 4 months completely with Mary Kay sales!!
Today.....I divorced my husband a little over a year ago and gained control back over my life. I found that once I seperated from him my depression improved dramatically! Imagine that!!!!
I have met the most wonderful man and he is an amazing father figure for Jacob (my son).
At this point I am scared of recruiting because I had some consultants, when I fell out of directorship, sell there product back and I ended up owing the company over $1000. Luckily, you dont have to pay it off by a certain date and it does not earn interest so you can just pay as you go. But now I am scared of recruiting because I do not want to go thru that again. That is why I am only recruiting women who actually want to work this business.
I want to REALLY grow my customer base and get my name out there.
I would love to hear from all of you on your thoughts and ideas. Also, if you do Mary Kay full time or part time, do you have another J.O.B? If you work Mary Kay full time, how do you do it, are you a director?
Well I think that is it for now. I can't wait to hear from all of you!!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, July 29, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Full Time
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Powerstart - Update!
As of today........
10 faces done.....20 to go!!!
I will get there slowly but surely!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2 comments
Labels: powerstart
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Mary Kay Products!
Please ignore the prevous blog about Spa girl. I was trying something new and it did not work the way that I wanted it to. Ooops!!
Did you know that for the Essence 2007 Readers' Choice Beauty Awards Mary Kay Cosmetics had 3 products at the top of the list??!!! That speaks volumes about Mary Kay products.
In the lipstick category, they chose MK Signature Creme Lisptick in Downtown Brown, in perfumes they chose the Affection Eau de Parfum. When it comes to skin care Essence readers chose the TimeWise Age-Fighting Moisturizer. That just blows my socks off!!!
Posted by MKheart at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Mineral Products, MK in the news
Spa Girl: How to Apply Summer Makeup and Tips
Spa Girl: How to Apply Summer Makeup and Tips
Check out my blog at www.mkheart.blogspot.com. You don't mention any Mary Kay products in you blog so I would love to introduce you to them!!!
Posted by MKheart at Thursday, July 17, 2008 0 comments
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Renewed Mary Kay Website!
I just wanted to let everyone know that I finally renewed my Mary Kay website. Please feel free to visit my website anytime.
There I am available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Posted by MKheart at Wednesday, July 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Mary kay website
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Okay girls.......POWERSTART!!! For those of you who do not know what a powerstart is, it is 30 faces in 30 days. By doing this, the destination of your business is in your hands. Shades and Pink Bren...and anyone else out there.......Let's Do It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you on?? Track progress on your blogs as I will on mine.
July 12, 2008 - 2 faces down, 28 to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Kay customers....You are #1!!!!!!!! I am here to provide you with the best customer service that I possibly can. With you, I would not have a business to grow. Thank You!!
Posted by MKheart at Saturday, July 12, 2008 2 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
NEW Virtual Makeover!!!!!!
NEW Virtual Makeover!!!! Mary Kay has recently started the biggest color lauch in Mary Kay history!!! Well in addition to that Mary Kay has added a brand new feature......A Virtual Makeover! It is an interactive playground for customers to have the oppportunity to upload their personal photo and create a unique state-of-the-art color look makeover just for her!!!!
They even have the option to pick and choose hairstyles and hair colors. It is completely risk free. And of course, with MaryKay, it is, like every product, a 100% satisfaction guarantee, try-before-you-buy deal!! You can not wrong! You also have the option to "foward-to-friend"! This is a great tool to use to grow your business.
Please feel free to contact me for anything!! I would love to help you and your friends and family with their great new summer LOOKS!!!
1 – 1 of 1
Posted by MKheart at Friday, July 11, 2008 0 comments
Labels: color, virtual makeover
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Brand New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It is a brand new year in the Mary Kay world!!! This year is going to be a great year, I can feel it! Everyone of us, whether in Mary Kay or not, have obstacles that come our way unexpectedly to overcome. It is how we handle those obstacles that make us or brake us.
My goal this year for my Mary Kay business is to build to 150-200 wonderful customers and Queens Court of Sales!!!
YIKES!! That makes me want to puke but they say if a goal does not make you a little scared then you are not dreaming big enough!
Stay Tuned for more....plus the new newsletter!!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, July 01, 2008 18 comments
Monday, June 30, 2008
End of the Year!
As some of you may not know June 30th is the end of the year for Mary Kay Cosmetics. Our year runs July 1st thru June 30th. So this week, our unit has been working on wrapping up some pretty big goals and I have been talking back and forth alot with my director, Renee, to see what all needs to be done and where are numbers are at.
I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Mary Kay business has taught me alot and has made me grow as a person in unbelievable strides. The one thing that I love that my business has given me, is the ability to DREAM!!!
Before Mary Kay, I was never taught to dream big. I was raised to go to school, work hard, go to college, get a good job, and take care of the house. Never to stretch for more.
It really is amazing what Mary Kay has to offer!! I am blessed everyday to have my Mary Kay business, my family and friends, and my wonderful customers.
Posted by MKheart at Monday, June 30, 2008 2 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
The new colors are here and may I say they are AWESOME!!!! I am completely in love with them.
Have I told you all lately how amazing this business is?! It blows my mind, all the opportunities that are in store for you with a Mary Kay business, if you want them to be. Mary Kay is not the business where you can just sign up and expect the money and customers to fall into your lap. It is like any other business, you have to work hard to make it a successful buessiness for you and your family. But let me tell you, it is amazing!!!
My director, Renee Duenckel, is one of the most amazing women that I know. She loves life and works hard to get where she is at. She is a true example of how a woman should run her Mary Kay business. Like she always says, "No one is perfect, and everyone has obstacles that get in their way but it is how you deal with those obstacles and imperfections that make a success."
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, June 24, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Pictures as Promised
Here are some pictures of the NEW mineral colors!! You think they look good now wait until you see them in person. They are even better!!
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, June 17, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Mineral Products, pictures
Monday, June 16, 2008
New Mineral Colors!!!
I am so excited!! Today I order ALL of the NEW mineral eye colors and cheek colors. I can not wait for them to come in so we can start trying them out! They are so fun to play with and experience with. Why not have a girls night out and play in makeup! Sounds like a plan to me.
I will post pictures of the new colors later so you can have a chance to see or you can go to www.marykay.com and check them out for yourself.
Posted by MKheart at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Mineral Products
Happy Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Monday Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mineral powder foundation.....you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have very oily and acne prone skin and when I started Mary Kay three years, I immediately saw a difference and have been use the skin care ever since but...by the time I get half way through the day my face is shiny and I can't stand that. Now with the mineral powder foundation, my face breathes all day!!!!!!!!!!!
I absolutely LOVE my Mary Kay products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by MKheart at Monday, June 16, 2008 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
WOW!! Mineral Products are the BEST!!!
Okay so it has been a while since I have blogged. So sorry about that. My JOB has been extremely busy lately and the day is gone before I even know it plus on top of that June 2nd I started 2 more online classes through Columbia College. Yeah, I know I am crazy but a girls got to do what a girls got to do!!
All that aside, last night I brought Janice (Brad's mom) with me to Renee's (my Mary Kay director) house for a skin care class live. WOW!!! We had so much fun!! Janice got to try on some of the new eye colors and mineral powder foundation. Renee also demonstrated the new highlighters and bronzers on the guest. They are so amazing!!! They bring your face to life. We only did one side of Janice's face at first and the difference was unreal. I was sold!!!!!!!!!!
Also, I will have my first newsletter out for the month of July 2008. I am so excited. I have spent a lot of time working and reworking it so I hope that it is perfect for you.
DID YOU KNOW......that Mary Kay has been #1 in skin care and color cosmetics going on their 15th year now!! Isn't that amazing? When you use/buy Mary Kay you are getting the best of the best!!!
Stay tuned for more.....
Posted by MKheart at Tuesday, June 10, 2008 1 comments
Labels: Mineral Products
Monday, May 5, 2008
Good Morning Mary Kay Girls!!!!!!!!
Posted by MKheart at Monday, May 05, 2008 0 comments
Labels: Good Morning Mary Kay